A Little of Everything at Glendalough (Glen of the Twin Lakes)

“Had a very nice day today very restful. Attended church in Athy, then packed a picnic and went to Glendalough in Wicklow mountains. Beautiful day, little rain, little sun, little wind and lots of walking. Beautiful scenery. Thank you, Lord, for Your creation. Please pray for William as he travels to Dublin in the morning to pick up 3 more team members coming over from London. Pray also as the rest of the team sets up for children’s club to begin a new week.” — Jennifer

One thought on “A Little of Everything at Glendalough (Glen of the Twin Lakes)”

  1. Love, thoughts, and prayers! If you take a picture for me for a verse, be sure to get it in a size 1MB plus if possible 🙂 Saved the cool stone gateway photo already! 🙂

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